Sponsored research is an important activity of the Institute administered through SRICCE (Sponsored Research, Industrial Consultancy and Continuing Education). SRICCE cell looks after the financial and administrative aspects of sponsored research, industrial consultancy, continuing education and testing & certification jobs.
Activities of SRICCE
Sponsored Research is defined as those time – bound research and development projects which are sponsored by National and International sponsoring agencies.
SRICCE Cell acts as a facilitating center in providing assistance for the faculty members of the institute in communicating with the external sponsors and maintaining the accounts from pre-award to post award stage of the project. Some of the major sponsors of these projects are
- Government of India
- State Governments of India
- Immunocharacterization of cells by Fluorescence microscopy (Laboratory)
- International Organizations and Institutions
- Autonomous bodies of National and International fame
- Private Organizations with international repute
[Click here to see List of Prospective Sponsoring agencies for Research Projects]
Industrial Consultancy projects undertaken by the institute are of three types.
- Routine Testing, Certification and Calibration.
- Projects requiring the use of laboratory and other institute facilities.
- Projects without the need of institute facilities.
All the Industrial Consultancy Projects are registered with the SRICCE Cell. The SRICCE Cell acts as a facilitator between the industry and the Institute.
Continuing Education National Institute of Technology, Rourkela has bestowed the duty to facilitate the continuing education for the faculty and students on SRICCE Cell. This is to keep up with the rapid scientific and technological advancement in the world. SRICCE helps the scientists, researchers and the faculty to update their knowledge to the recent developments in their area of specialisation. Continuing Education is provided through five modes. They are
- Formal degree programmes
- Short term courses supported by Government
- Self-financed short term courses
- Participation in under-graduate and post-graduate courses
- Certificate courses conducted in distance mode

Office Address
Associate Deans