National Institute of Technology Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance


Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : CS6175 : Network Programming Laboratory { 0-0-3 / 2}

Subject Nature : Practical

Coordinator : Prof.(Ms.) Suchismita Chinara


List of experiments are as follows:
[1]Printing your machine’s name and IPv4 address?
[2] Retrieve a remote machine’s IP address and convert the IP address to different format?
[3] Setting and getting the default socket timeout, the program should include how to handle the socket error gracefully?
[4] Finding the service name, given the port and protocol of the remote host (server)?
[5] Printing the current time from the internet time server with the help of NTP? Also write an SNTP client that prints the current time from the internet time server received with the SNTP protocol?
[6] Modifying sockets send/receive buffer size and changing the socket to blocking/non-blocking mode?
[7] Write a program that demonstrates the reuse socket addresses?
[8] Write a simple TCP echo client/server application with the help of TCP socket object. The server wait for the client to be connected and send some data to the server. When the data is received, the server echoes the data to the client.
[9] Write a simple UDP echo client/server application with the help of TCP socket object. The server wait for the client to be connected and send some data to the server. When the data is received, the server echoes the data to the client.
[10] Write a program that is a TCP server that returns a HTTP response to a browser that displays the client’s IP address and the number of times it has connected to the server. Test your program with a standard Web browser like the Internet Explorer.

Course Objectives

  • To learn network programming using the socket library in python language.
  • Learn client server architecture and manage the communication between them.
  • Learn protocol performance comparison for easy understanding and analysis

Course Outcomes

1) The Students will have a thorough knowledge of networking technology. <br />2) The Students will be able to use this network programming in real-life networking applications.

Essential Reading

  • Brandon Rhodes and John Goerzen, Foundations of Python Network Programming, Apress , The Comprehensive guide to network programming and management with python 3.
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Supplementary Reading

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