Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : MN6074 : Mine Planning and Design laboratory { 0-0-3 / 2}
Subject Nature : Practical
Coordinator : Dr. Ram Manohar Bishwal
1) Ultimate Pit Slope limit determination using Floating cone and 2D L&G algorithm (Economic Pit Shell)
2) Preliminary Pit Slope design using Empirical rock mass classification system (MRMR) (Stable Geo technical Pit Shell)
3) Generation of Optimized pit shell using Whittle Software (Economic Pit Shell)
4) Preparation of geological model from bore hole log data using Surpac (Geological Block Model)
5) Design of pit slopes, ramps and waste dumps using Surpac
6) Advanced Production Planning & Scheduling in open pit mines (using MineSched)
7) Estimation of rock support (rock bolt, shotcrete, etc.) requirement using Empirical approach
8) Preparation of B&P mining system (galleries, pillar size, excavation requirement etc.) for a given geo-mining condition
9) Design of Stope size and Crown pillar dimension for a u/g metalliferous mines using Empirical approach
10) Evaluation and reconciliation of as-design vs as-built structures (open pit mines, underground mines)
11) Selection of Optimal Shovel-Dumper combination for a surface mining operation
12) Mine Water Balance modelling using Stochastic approach using Goldsim
13) Selection of mining method using UBC Modified Nicholas methods with case studies
14) Preparation of a mechanized mining system (CM/Longwall) (galleries, pillar size, excavation requirement etc.) for a given geo-mining condition
NB: Any 10 nos. of practical to be taken depending upon the availability of data, tools and software
Course Objectives
- Understand the concept & principle of mine planning using industry accepted tools
- Learn Design of a pit, ramp, waste dumps
- Ability to use Empirical approach in preliminary level mine designs
Course Outcomes
Understand basis of pit design from exploration data
Able to design a openpit mines from geological block model
Understand the practice of production planning & scheduling in both surface & underground mines
Essential Reading
- Mark Kuchta and Willam Hustrulid, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, CRC Press
- Roussos Dimitrakopoulos, Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning, Springer
Supplementary Reading
- Ernesto Villaescusa, Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping, CRC Press
- J. M. Galvin, Ground Engineering - Principles and Practices for Underground Coal Mining, Springer