National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS2315 : Language Learning through Science Fiction { 2-0-0 / 2}

Subject Nature : Theory

Coordinator : Dr. Neha Soman


Module 1: Introduction to Science Fiction
Critical Literacy and Science Fiction, Science Fiction as High-Interest Genre, Role of Science Fiction in the Current World, Scientific Innovations and Futuristic Literature
Module 2: Morphology and Syntax
Introduction to Morphology and Syntax, Sentence Structure, Types of Sentences, Vocabulary, Neologism, Morphology and Syntax in Characterization and Theme
Module 3: Semantics
Meaning in Language, Types of Semantics, Lexical Relations, Compositionality, Problems of Ambiguity
Module 4: Creativity through Science Fiction
Sci-fi movies, Comics, and the Infographics of Science Fiction, Analysing Narratives, Discussions, and Re-Productions

Course Objectives

  • Develop students’ phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics skills through the analysis of language use in science fiction texts.
  • Encourage critical engagement with speculative scenarios in science fiction to explore the interplay of language, culture, and technology.
  • Introduce and reinforce vocabulary related to speculative and futuristic contexts, enhancing lexical diversity and contextual understanding.
  • Inspire students to experiment with their storytelling and world-building by applying linguistic concepts to create believable fictional languages or future societies.

Course Outcomes

Identify and appreciate Science Fiction as a language-learning medium.
Integrate linguistic concepts with themes of technology, science, and cultural dynamics as presented in speculative fiction.
Effectively express critical ideas through written assignments, oral presentations, and creative projects inspired by science fiction.
Reflect on how speculative scenarios in science fiction can offer insights into contemporary issues such as technological ethics, cultural diversity, and global communication challenges.

Essential Reading

  • Ray Bradbury, I Sing Body Electric, Knopf , 1969
  • Myra Edwards Barnes, Linguistics and Languages in Science Fiction-Fantasy, Arno , 1974

Supplementary Reading

  • P. Seuren, From Whorf to Montague: Explorations in the Theory of Language, Oxford University Press , 2013
  • George Yule, The Study of Language, Cambridge , 2006