National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS1349 : Industry and Development { 3-0-0 / 3}

Subject Nature : Theory

Coordinator : Dr. Ipsita Roy


Unit-1: Introduction to Industrial economics - nature and scope - concept of firm and industry - types of firms - structure, conduct and performance of the firm.
Unit-2: Standard forms of market structure - pricing strategies and output determination of firms - profit maximization, sales maximization (William J. Baumol), utility maximization (Oliver E. Williamson), growth maximization (George K. Yarrow) - equilibrium of firms under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly - optimum price and output - economies of scale.
Unit-3: Price competition and non-price competition - strategic behaviour of firms - collusion and mergers - game theory - market failures and information asymmetry - advertising and product differentiation - market entry and exit - market concentration and diversification - R&D and innovation.
Unit-4: Productivity and efficiency Industrial productivity and development in India classification of industries Industrial policy and Indian Planning recent trends in Indian industrial growth

Course Objectives

  • Identify and analyze the behavior of a firm under different market situations in a systematic way.
  • Understand and assimilate the issues related to strategic behaviour in firms, R&D and innovation.
  • Have a comprehensive coverage of firms' profitability and efficiency measurements, with applications to India's industrial structure.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion, students should have an in-depth knowledge of
i.   Market structure, conduct and performance
ii.  Strategic behaviour in firms
iii.  Innovation, R&D and the market
iv.  Industrial efficiency and its applications for the Indian economy.

Essential Reading

  • Donald A. Hay, Derek J. Morris, Industrial Economics: Theory and Evidence, Oxford University Press, 1979
  • R. R. Barthwal, Industrial Economics: An Introductory Textbook, New Age International Publishers, 2007

Supplementary Reading

  • A. Singh and A.N. Sandhu, Industrial Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1988
  • Stephen Martin, Advanced Industrial Economics, Oxford, UK Blackwell Publisher, 2002