National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS1310 : Science of Consciousness in Ancient India { 3-0-0 / 3}

Subject Nature : Theory

Coordinator : Prof. Surabhi Verma


• Unit 1: Introduction to Indian Knowledge Systems
1. Indian Knowledge Systems
2. Modes of classification of Indian Knowledge Systems
3. Domains and disciplines of Knowledge
4. Vaidika Literature
5. The concept of Ritvik
6. The Mantras
7. Characteristics of Indian Knowledge Systems
8. Darsanas- Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Vedanta and Kashmir Saiva.
• Unit 2: Consciousness, its Dimensions and Nature
1. Consciousness: Definition and Nature
2. Meaning of the term 'Consciousness' and 'Sciousness'
3. Deviation states of Consciousness
• Unit 3: The Cognitive Process
1. The meaning of the term 'darsanam’
2. Three constituents of the triangle of cognition
3. The cognitive procedure
• Unit 4: Cognitive Process in few Indian Knowledge Systems-
1. Nyaya - Vaiseshika
i. Ontology of Nyaya Vaiseshika
ii. Metaphysics of Nyaya Vaiseshika
iii. The Concept of Padartha
iv. Causation Theory:
v. Epistemology of Nyaya Vaiseshika (Pramana mimamsa)
vi. Means of Cognition
• Direct Perception (Pratyaksha)
• Stages in Direct Perception
• Anumana (Inference)
• Five Steps of Inference
• Upamana (Comparison)
• Sabda (Verbal Testimony)
2. Samkhya-Yoga
i. Ontology of Samkhya System
ii. Epistemology of Samkhya System
iii. Samkhya Metaphysics
• Subtle body in Samkhya
• Gross body in Samkhya
• The Cognitive Apparatus and Cognitive Cycle in Samkhya System
i. Ontology of Yoga System
ii. Epistemology of Yoga System
iii. Metaphysics of Yoga System
• The Reflection Theory
• Citta–the Cognitive Apparatus of Yoga System
• The Stages of Citta
• Fluctuations of Consciousness
• Cycle of Fluctuations and Impressions
• How to restrict the fluctuations…?
• The Cycle of Sufferings
• Non-Attachment and Detachment
• How to practice (Abhyasa) Non-Attachment..?
3. Vedanta
i. Ontology of Vedanta System
ii. Epistemology of Vedanta System
iii. Metaphysics of Vedanta System
• The Causal Body in Vedanta
• The Subtle body in Vedanta
• The Process of Pañcikarana
• The Pañcakosas
• The Gross Body in Vedanta
• The four grand statements of Vedanta Darsana
• The Cognitive Cycle as per Vedanta System
4. Kashmir Saiva Darsana
i. Introduction to the Literature of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
1. Origin of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
2. Total number of Agamas in Saiva Darsana
3. Branches of Literature
4. Acharyas of Agamika Literature
5. Main Works of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
ii. Ontology of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
iii. Epistemology of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
iv. Metaphysics of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
• Prakasa-Vimarsa form of Parama Siva
• Sakti as the Principle of Manifestation
• The Characteristics of Citi
• The Manifestation Process
1. The Subjective Manifestation
• Four Levels of Vak
2. The Objective Manifestation
• The Limitation Theory
i. The Primary Limitation
ii. The Secondary Limitation
• The Concept of Time
• The Concept of Space
• Inter-connected Time and Space
v. ‘The Cognizor’ in Kashmir Saiva Darsana
vi. Few Special Doctrines of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
1. Theory of Absolute Freedom
2. Theory of Reflection
3. Theory of Recognition
• Practices for Recognition
vii. Special characteristics of Kashmir Saiva Darsana
• Unit 5: Discourse about Existence in different Darsanas
1. Asatkaryavada
2. Satkaryavada
3. Vivartavada
4. Abhasavada

Course Objectives

  • Introduce Indian Knowledge Systems: To familiarize students with the foundational aspects of Indian Knowledge Systems, including their classification, domains, disciplines, and characteristics, as well as key texts such as Vaidika literature and concepts from various Darsanas (philosophical systems).
  • Explore Consciousness and Its Dimensions: To define and examine the nature of consciousness, including the distinctions between 'Consciousness' and 'Sciousness,' and to explore various states and deviations of consciousness relevant to ancient Indian thought.
  • Analyze Cognitive Processes: To investigate the cognitive process as understood in Indian philosophy, including the meaning of 'darsanam,' the constituents of cognition, and the cognitive procedures used in different Indian Knowledge Systems.
  • Examine Cognitive Processes in Major Indian Darsanas: To explore the cognitive processes, ontological, epistemological, and metaphysical aspects of various Indian Darsanas such as Nyaya-Vaise?ika, Sa?khya-Yoga, Vedanta, and Kashmir Saiva, including their theories on consciousness, reality, and existence.

Course Outcomes

1.Understand Indian Knowledge Systems: Students will be able to describe the key aspects of Indian Knowledge Systems, including their classification, domains, and disciplines, and discuss the significance of Vaidika literature and various Darsanas in shaping ancient Indian thought.
2. Define and Analyze Consciousness: Students will articulate the definitions and nature of consciousness, differentiate between 'Consciousness' and 'Sciousness,' and analyze different states and deviations of consciousness as understood in ancient Indian philosophy.
3. Explain Cognitive Processes: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive processes as described in Indian philosophy, including the meaning of 'darsanam,' the constituents of cognition, and the cognitive procedures applied in various philosophical systems.
4. Compare Cognitive Theories Across Darsanas: Students will be able to compare and contrast the cognitive processes and metaphysical theories of Nyaya-Vaise?ika, Sa?khya-Yoga, Vedanta, and Kashmir Saiva. They will explain key concepts such as causation, the nature of consciousness, and theories of existence within these traditions.

Essential Reading

  • Jaideva Singh, Pratyabhijñahrdayam of Kshemaraja, Motilal Banarasidas, , Varanasi, 1963.
  • M.N. Drivedi, Yoga Sutra of Patañjali, Sri Satagura Publications, , India, 1980

Supplementary Reading

  • Isvarakrishna, Samkhyakarika, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, , Varanasi, 2004.
  • none, Upanisada, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, , Samvat 2068.

Journal and Conferences

  • S. Verma, "Cognitive Science and Experience of Yoga (As an evidence of motion from finitude to infinitum)", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SANSKRIT RESEARCH "ANANTA", vol.2, no.4, pp.12-17, Tirupati Journal Solutions, House No. 169, Pocket C-11 Sector-3, Rohini, New Delhi, India 2016,
  • S. Verma, "Universal Consciousness and Spiritual Intelligence (With special reference to Kasmira Saivism)", in World Congress on Interrelationship among Arts, Culture, Humanities, Religion, Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Science and Society for Holistic Humane Development- Conference Proceedings, Krishi Sanskriti Publications, Jawarharlal Nehru University, 27th to 27th August 2016, New Delhi, Delhi, India, September 2016