National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS7110 : संस्कृतशास्त्राणां शोध-प्रविधिः पाण्डुलिपि-विज्ञानञ्च { 3-0-0 / 3}

Subject Nature : Theory

Coordinator : Prof. Surabhi Verma


Unit- I : Research Methodology of Sastras:
1. Meaning of Sodha and its definition
2. General Introduction of Sodha/Anusa?dhana
3. Purpose of Sodha, its types and synonyms of Sodha
4. Eligibility for doing Sodha
5. Field of Sodha
6. Different Branches of Sa?sk?ta Sodha
7. Difference between Sodha and Samik?a
8. Selection of Topic
9. Preparation of Outline
10. Collection of Material and means of Sodha
11. Authenticity of the Collected Material
12. Composition and Analysis of collected material
13. Importance of Library
14. Method of Card and quoting
15. Preface, Introduction, Index, Abbreviations, Thesis Writing Methodology, Referencing, Footnotes, Appendix, Bibliography.
Unit- II: Manuscriptology:
1. Meaning of Manuscipt
2. Sources of Manuscipt
3. Method of writing
4. Reasons of destruction of Manuscipt and methods of preservation
5. Different versions of Manuscipts
6. Publication types
7. Analysis and Correction of Versions of manuscripts (especially consisting of Vedas), Famous Manuscipts
8. Main Libraries of Sa?sk?ta Sources and Research Institutions
Unit-III: Information Technology Tools, Techniques and Transliteration:
1. General Introduction to Computer
2. General Introduction to Microsoft Office
3. General Introduction to Internet and E mail
4. Introduction to Web search technique and main search engine or browsers
5. Introduction to Wb Publication
6. Information about Devnagari Typing and Fonts
7. Introduction to Unicode
8. Different Computationl Tools related to Sa?sk?ta and their uses in research
9. Transliteration from Sa?sk?ta to Roman and from Roman to Sa?sk?ta
Unit-IV: Referencing:
1. Referencing, Need of referencing, Steps of referencing, The process of preparing the reference list.
2. Quotes, Versions of manuscripts, Different procedures and formats of versions of manuscripts.
3. Different softwares for the referencing.
4. Contents of referencing, Texts, Dictionary, Journal, Conference and Seminar, NewsPaper, Magazine, Report, Government Publications, Thesis, Dissertation, Webpage, Internet sources, Individual Communication (Oral, Written and E mail), Lectures, Video and DVD, Film etc.
5. General Introduction of the different styles of referencing, Detailed Introduction of different styles useful for Sa?sk?ta, The procedure and formats of preparing the bibliography.
Unit-V: Presentation and development of Writing Skills:
1. The points to be remembered during presentation
2. Types of presentation, Power point presentation
3. Writing Skills, Main points of Research Paper writing, Synopsis writing, Dissertation writing
4. Different Journals for publication of Research Papers, Introduction to the Conferences.

Course Objectives

  • This course aims to train students for taking up systematic study and research in specific area of interest and acquaints them with the existing tools and techniques.

Course Outcomes

This course aims to train students for taking up systematic study and research in specific area of interest and acquaints them with the existing tools and techniques. Each student is expected to learn tools and techniques of the survey of Sanskrit researches in general. They should also be prepared to complete guidelines for referencing, presentation skills, writing skills etc. For international communication, they will be taught transliteration and phonetic transcription.

Essential Reading

  • Vinay Mohan Sharma, Sodha Pravidhi, National Paperbacks, 2/35 Ansari Road, Dariyaganj , New Delhi, Edition 2008.
  • Maithili Prasad Bhardwaj, Sodha Pravidhi, Adhar Paublication , Panchkula, 2005

Supplementary Reading

  • S. M. Katre, Bhartiya Pa?halocana ki bhumika, NA , NA
  • Chandrashekar, Pañdulipi Anusasana, NA , NA