Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS7303 : Social Change { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Dr. Koteswara Rao Kodirekkala
Module 1: Social Change: Meaning, definitions, nature and scope
Module 2: Theories/Perspectives of Social Change: Evolutionary, Cyclical, Conflict, Functional.
Module 3: Sources/factors of Change: Invention, Innovation, Technology, Diffusion, Demography, Economic change, Planned
change, Ideological.
Module 4: Processes of Change: Acculturation/Assimilation, Syncretism, Culture lag and Cultural loss
Module 5: Rural Social Change: Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization
Urban Social Change: Urbanization, Industrialization, Secularization, and Globalization
Course Objectives
- To introduce the concepts of social and cultural change
- To expose to the theories of social change
- To explore the sources/factors of change
- To study the processes of change, and
To familiarize the social change in rural and urban areas
Course Outcomes
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Decipher the meaning and scope of social and cultural change
CO2: Explain the perspectives of social and cultural change
CO3: Appreciate the value of socio-anthropological perspectives on social and cultural change
CO4: Identify and reflect upon the factors and processes responsible for social and cultural change
CO5: Discuss and understand social and cultural changes in Indian context.
Essential Reading
- Naylor, L. L., Culture and Change: An Introduction, Greenwood Publishing Group, Connecticut , 1996
- Lauer, Robert, Perspectives on Social Change, Allyn and Bacon, Boston , 1978
Supplementary Reading
- Foster, G.M., Traditional Societies and Technological Change, Allied Publishers, New Delhi , 1973
- Srinivas, M.N., Social Change in Modern India, University of Berkley, Berkley , 1966