Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS1319 : Introduction to the Jewels of Sanskrit { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Prof. Surabhi Verma
Unit 1: Introduction to the Software BARAHA and OCR- BARAHA is software helpful in typing in all the Indian Languages and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a tool to digitalize the Sanskrit manuscripts and convert them into e-text (for generating e-corpus) – its introduction and application (how to use) will be taught and material will be given for practice.
Unit 2: Transliteration - Symbols used for writing Sanskrit words in Roman (IAST: International Alphabet Sanskrit Transliteration), Transliteration of the Sanskrit words, Transliteration of sloka, Transliteration of Paragraph.
Unit 3: Introduction to the Fundamentals of Sanskrit Grammar – Mahesvara Sutra, Pratyahara, Pada, Karaka and Vibhakti, Avyaya, Upasarga, Pratyaya, Sandhi?, Samasa.
Unit 4: Application of the Basics of Grammar for communication - Sentence Making, Words of General usage, Verbal Communication, Paragraph Writing, Translation.
Unit 5: Introduction to the Texts of Indian Discourse and Sanskrit literature – Classification of the texts of Sanskrit literature, Introduction to the works and authors of different compendiums, Brief introduction to the Indian Disciplines of knowledge (?nvik?aki, Trayi, Varta, Da?da niti), Dating of the Indian compendiums, Indian research system and methodology, identifying the scripts (style of writing) of old Sanskrit manuscripts.
Unit 6: Textual Reading and Interpretation - Nitisataka? of Bhart?hari- Introduction to the life and works of Bhart?hari, reading and understanding the compendium of hundred slokas (Nitisataka?).
Course Objectives
- a. Familiarize with Digital Tools for Sanskrit: To introduce students to BARAHA software and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools for typing and digitalizing Sanskrit manuscripts, including practical skills in using these tools.
b. Master Transliteration Techniques: To teach students the principles and practice of Sanskrit transliteration using the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) system, covering the conversion of Sanskrit words, slokas, and paragraphs into Roman script. - Understand Sanskrit Grammar Fundamentals: To provide a thorough understanding of key Sanskrit grammatical concepts, including Mahesvara Sutra, Pratyahara, and various grammatical elements such as Karaka, Vibhakti, and Sandhi.
- a. Apply Grammar to Practical Communication: To enable students to apply basic Sanskrit grammar principles to practical communication tasks, including sentence making, verbal communication, and paragraph writing.
b. Explore Sanskrit Literature and Indian Discourses: To introduce students to the classification and analysis of Sanskrit literature and Indian textual traditions, including significant works, authors, and the historical context of Indian compendiums. - Interpret Texts and Understand Classical Works: To engage students in the reading and interpretation of classical Sanskrit texts, specifically the Nitisataka of Bhartrhari, including an understanding of the author’s life and the text's content.
Course Outcomes
1. Proficiency in Digital Tools: Students will be able to effectively use BARAHA software and OCR tools for typing and digitizing Sanskrit texts, generating e-corpus, and practicing digital Sanskrit text processing.
2. Accurate Transliteration: Students will demonstrate proficiency in Sanskrit transliteration, accurately converting Sanskrit words, slokas, and paragraphs into the Roman script using IAST.
3. Grammatical Understanding: Students will have a solid grasp of fundamental Sanskrit grammar concepts, including the Mahesvara Sutra and other grammatical elements, enabling them to analyze and construct grammatically correct Sanskrit sentences.
4. Effective Communication Skills: Students will be able to apply Sanskrit grammar principles to create coherent sentences, paragraphs, and verbal communications in Sanskrit, demonstrating practical language use.
5. Literary and Historical Insight: Students will gain insight into the classification of Sanskrit literature, key texts, and authors, understanding the historical and methodological aspects of Indian textual traditions and manuscript styles.
6. Textual Analysis and Interpretation: Students will be skilled in reading and interpreting the Nitisataka of Bhartrhari, demonstrating an understanding of its content and the historical context of the work and its author.
Essential Reading
- Pt. Isvarachanda, A??adhayi Pa?iniviracita, Vyakhyakara,Vol 1-2, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthana , Delhi, 2009.
- Dr. Aruna Shukla, Nitisataka? of Bhart?hari, Katyayana Vaidika Sahitya Prakashan , Hoshiyarpur.
Supplementary Reading
- Arthur A. MacDonell, Sanskrit Grammar for Students, Oxford University Press , none
- Bhattoji Dixit, Vaikarana Siddhanta Kaumudi, Chaukhamba Oreientalia , New Delhi.
Journal and Conferences
- International Journal of Indian Linguistics (IJIL)
- International Conference on Sanskrit Studies