National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : EE4711 : Power Systems Laboratory { 0-0-2 / 1}

Subject Nature : Practical

Coordinator : Prof. Subrata Karmakar


1. Determine the impulse ratio of a porcelain pin insulator.
2. Measure capacitance and tan? of 3 Phase underground cable and 3 Phase Transformer.
3. Determination of string efficiency of a string of suspension insulator.
4. Testing of insulation strength of transformer oil and atmospheric air.
a) Study of operating characteristics of electromechanical over current relay and plotting a graph between trip time and plug setting multiplier (PSM).
b) Study of operating characteristics of numeric over current relay and plotting a graph between relay operating time and fault current.
a) Testing of electromechanical over voltage relay and plot the graph between trip time and plug setting multiplier (PSM).
b) Testing of electromechanical under voltage relay and plot the graph between operating time and percentage plug setting voltage.
a) Study the voltage profile of a long transmission line and effect of shunt reactor compensation.
b) Measurement of ABCD constant, characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a Transmission Line.
8. Study the scheme for power factor improvement.

Course Objectives

  • To promote teamwork among students and effective communication skills.
  • To develop hands-on experience of how certain procedures of power system operation are carried out.
  • To allow students to practically verify several concepts and procedures learned in power system modeling and analysis.
  • To identify the components used and ability to solve practical challenges in solution implementations.

Course Outcomes

1. Students will be able to understand the basic concepts high voltage generation and testing procedure.
2. Students will be able to understand all the fundamental concepts of power system.
3. Students will be able to understand breakdown phenomena in gases and to elucidate the concepts used for the generation of high voltages and currents.
4. Students will be able to elucidate the concepts used for the measurement of high voltages and currents and design corresponding circuits.
5. Students will be able to understand high voltage testing techniques of Power apparatus and causes of over voltage and over current in Power systems.
6. Understand how to measure electrical parameters characteristics of a 3-phase transmission line.
7. Know how to carry out a transient analysis study for faults of various durations on the system and are able to determine critical clearing times for various faults.
8. Students will be able to analyze experimental results and effective documentation.

Essential Reading

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Supplementary Reading

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