Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : EE3201 : Electric Drives { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Prof. Kanungo Barada Mohanty
Module 1: Fundamental concepts of drives (8 classes)
Factors affecting selection of drives, speed-torque characteristics of motors and loads, condition of steady-state stability, transient stability: equal area criterion, dynamics of motor load combination, DC shunt motor and series motor braking methods and speed-torque characteristics in four quadrants, Induction motor: steady-state performance analysis, braking methods, four quadrant speed-torque characteristics, dc and ac dynamic braking, Methods of starting, energy relations during starting and braking, Transients in dc and ac drives
Module 2: DC drives (8 classes)
Motor and converter performance parameters, 1-phase full- and semi- converter fed dc shunt and dc series motor, Mathematical analysis of 1-phase converter fed dc motors, 1-phase Dual converter: waveforms, operations with and without circulating current, 3-phase full converter, semi converter and dual converter fed dc drives, Power factor considerations of semi- and full converters, Power factor improvement of phase controlled converters, Sequence control of converters, Chopper controlled dc drives, closed loop controlled dc drives, PLL controlled dc drives
Module 3: Induction motor drives (10 classes)
Static speed control of induction motor: stator voltage control, Static control of rotor resistance, Static slip power recovery scheme, VSI and cyclo-converter fed drives, V/f control, constant torque and constant power operations, closed loop V/f control, CSI fed drives Induction motor behavior with non-sinusoidal supply and unbalanced supply, PWM inverters and reduction of harmonics
Module 4: Synchronous motor drives (6 classes)
Synchronous motor drives: Steady-state performance analysis, braking methods, VSI fed synchronous motor drives, V/f control, true synchronous mode, self synchronous mode, Brushless dc motor drive,
Module 5: Special machine drives (2 classes)
Reluctance motor drive, stepper motors, Switched reluctance motor drives
Module 6: Traction drives (2 classes)
Electric traction services, nature of traction load, main line and sub-urban train configuration, traction mechanics, traction drives, braking, power factor and harmonics, traction motor.
Course Objectives
- To acquire the knowledge of Electric Drives
- To apply the knowledge of Power Electronics to control the Electrical Machines
- To understand the drives in industry
- To understand the drives in traction
Course Outcomes
CO1: Ability to understand steady-state and transient behavior of drives
CO2: Ability to understand thyristor dc drives
CO3: Ability to apply power electronics to induction motor control
CO4: Ability to apply power electronics to synchronous motor control
CO5: Ability to design closed loop drives, special machine drives for industry applications
Essential Reading
- G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi , 2001
- N. K. De and P. K. Sen, Electric Drives, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi , 1999
Supplementary Reading
- S. K. Pillai, A First Course in Electrical Drives, New Age International, New Delhi , 1994
- V. Subrahmanyam, Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications, New Age International, New Delhi , 2005