National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, राउरकेला

ଜାତୀୟ ପ୍ରଯୁକ୍ତି ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ ରାଉରକେଲା

An Institute of National Importance

Course Details

Subject {L-T-P / C} : EE2401 : Network Theory { 3-0-0 / 3}

Subject Nature : Theory

Coordinator : Dr. Rakesh Sinha


Introduction to Networks and Their Elements [6 hours]
What is a Network?, Network Variables, Properties of Networks, Electrical Sources, Two Terminal Passive Elements, AC Response of Passive Elements, Conservation of Charge and Flux, and Effective or root-mean-square (RMS) values.

Complex Number in Circuit Analysis [2 hours]
What is Phasor? Phasor Algebra, Application of Phasor in R-L and R-C Circuit, Complex Power, Complex Frequency.

Circuit Theoretic Concepts and Measure [3 hours]
Kirchhoff’s Laws, Quality of Reactive Components, Duality, Transformation of Voltage and Current Sources.

One Port Network and Resonance [4 hours]
What is One-Port Network? Series Resonance, Parallel Resonance or Anti Resonance, Reactance and Susceptance Curve, Universal Resonance Curve.

Two-port Network and Its Network Parameters [5 hours]
What is network parameter?, Z-parameters, Y-parameters, ABCD-parameters, Inv-ABCD-parameters, Hybrid-parameters, Inv. Hybrid parameters, Parameters conversion, Terminated Two-port Network.

Node and Mesh Analysis [5 hours]
Introduction to Graph, Network Variables, Branch Equations, Incidence Matrix and Node Analysis, Mesh Analysis using Tie-Set Matrix, Twig Voltage Analysis using Cut-Set Matrix.

Network Theorems [4 hours]
Excitation-Response Theorems: Superposition Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Equivalent Source Theorems: Millman’s Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem, Substitution and Compensation Theorems, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Energy Conservation Theorem.

Fourier Series and Fourier Transform [5 hours]
Basis of Vectors, Matrix representation of vector space, Continuous Valued Signal, Eigenfunctions, Fourier Series, Properties of Fourier Expansion, Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Transform.

Time Domain Analysis [5 hours]
Laplace Transform: A Generalized Fourier transform, Evaluation of some Laplace Transforms, Important Theorems, Step Response of First order Circuit, Step Response of Second-order Circuit, Characteristic Equation and Natural Response, Impulse Response and Transfer Function, Convolution Integral and Its Application, State Variables analysis.

Course Objectives

  • To analyse the response of a network using Fouries Series, Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform Techniques

Course Outcomes

On completion of this course students are expected to be able to:
CO1 characterize different elements of electrical networks and describe various terms of electrical signal and system.
CO2 determine the amplitude and phase spectrum of periodic and non-periodic signals and reconstruct time-domain signals from the frequency spectrum using Fourier analysis and synthesis.
CO3 calculate one-port and two-port network parameters and apply the network parameters in analyzing electrical networks.
CO4 apply Node Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Incident Matrix, Tie-set Matrix and Cut-set Matrix methods in analyzing circuits.
CO5 apply various network theorems in network analysis.
CO6 perform the transient analysis of electrical circuits using Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform and State equations.

Essential Reading

  • C.K.Alexander and M.N.O.Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,, McGrawHill, 2013
  • W. H. Hayt and T. E. Kimmerley, Engineering Circuit Analysis, TMH, 2001

Supplementary Reading

  • M. E. Van Valkenberg, Network Analysis, PHI, 1990
  • C. L. Philips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, Signals, Systems and Transforms, PHI, 4e, 2013