Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : SM6611 : Business Research Methodology { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Dr. Vikas Thakur
Module 1:
Research: – Definition, Meaning, Importance types and Qualities of Research Research applications in functional areas of Business, Emerging trends in Business research. Research & the Scientific Method: Characteristics of scientific method. Steps in Research Process Concept of Scientific Enquiry: – Formulation of Research Problem – Management Question – research Question – Investigation Question (8 hours)
Module 2:
Research design: Concept, Features of a good research design, Use of a good research design Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches, Comparison – Pros and Cons of both approaches. Research Designs: Concept, types and uses. Concept of Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Research. Experimental Design: Concept of Cause, Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.
(8 hours)
Module 3:
Scaling & measurement techniques: Concept of Measurement: Need of Measurement Problems in measurement in management research – Validity and Reliability. Levels of measurement – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio. Concept of Scale – Rating Scales viz. Likert Scales, Semantic Differential Scales, Constant Sum Scales, Graphic Rating Scales – Ranking Scales – Paired comparison & Forced Ranking – Concept and Application. (8 hours)
Module 4:
Sampling and sampling distributions: Basic Concepts: Defining the Universe, Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample, Characteristics of a good sample, Sampling errors, Non Sampling errors, Methods to reduce the errors, Sample Size constraints, Non Response. Types of Sampling. Determining size of the sample – Practical considerations in sampling and sample size, sample size determination (8 hours)
Module 5:
Data Analysis: Editing, Coding, Tabular representation of data, Graphical Representation of Data. Descriptive Statistics and Probability: Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness & Kurtosis. Probability Distribution and Sampling: Discrete, Binomial, Poisson, Continuous, Normal Sampling Distribution, Statistical Estimation. Questionnaire Construction, Content Analysis, Validity and Reliability Test (8 hours)
Module 6:
Bi-variate Analysis: Linear Regression Analysis: Meaning and two lines of regression relationship between correlation and regression co-efficient, Cross tabulations, Chi-square test Concept of Hypothesis & Hypothesis Testing (one sample test and two sample tests). Test of Significance: Small sample tests: t (Mean, proportion) and F tests, Z test, Analysis of Variance: One way and two-way Classifications, Interpretation of the given data and report preparation. Multivariate Data Analysis: Factor Analysis, Multi- Dimensional Scaling. (8 hours)
Course Objectives
- 1. To develop an ability, enthusiasm critical thinking in Business research process, design and research issues
- 2. To develop the Fundamental concepts of Business Research & their applications in different areas of the business
- 3. To study various types of research, data, its respective research design, sample design and data analysis techniques
- 4. To develop an ability and understanding of Business Research Methodology for use in designing and conducting business research
5. To develop an inclination towards business research and its application in the corporate world.
Course Outcomes
After the completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: understand knowledge on fundamental principles and concepts of Business Research Methodology.
CO2: describe the various Business Research techniques and data analysis tools to identify and solve research problem.
CO3: apply the knowledge of Business Research Methodology to design different research projects.
CO4: evaluate and judge the performance of the different business research methodology and data analysis technique.
CO5: identify the necessity of Business Research in various stages of the business.
Essential Reading
- RI Levin & Rubin, Statistics for Management, Pearson
- C R Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International
Supplementary Reading
- Cooper & Schindler, Business research methods, McGraw Hill
- Uma Sekaran, Research methods for business, Wiley