Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS5132 : Science of Self Realization for Holistic Humane Development { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Prof. Surabhi Verma
Unit 1: The Concept of ‘Self’ in Indian Discourse
1. Introduction to the Indian Knowledge Systems
2. The designations of ‘Self’ in Indian discourse
3. Manifestation or evolution of Self
4. Self and Consciousness
5. Kashmir Saiva Darsana: Background and Introduction
6. Manifestation Process
7. Limitation Theory
8. Binding Constituents
Unit 2: Cognitive Process and Re-cognition
1. Cognitive Process
2. Triad of Cognition
3. Seven Cognisors
4. Recognition
5. Practices for the Recognition
6. Dissolution of Consciousness
7. The Concept of Time and Space
Unit 3: Development and its dimensions
1. Meaning and significance of ‘Development’
2. Dimensions of development
3. Theories of developing the positive psychology (Indian discourse)
4. The theory of Karma
5. Cyclic concept of time
6. Development verses peace
7. Difference between philosophy and darsana
8. Global crisis in leadership
9. Indian Model of Welfare State
10. Global Leader
11. Rules for Rulers
12. Dharma and Rajadharma
13. Characteristics of a Good Ruler
Unit 4: Holistic Humane Development
1. Introduction to the ‘Holistic’ view of Understanding
2. Sustainable development
3. Salient features of Indian Perspective of development
4. Holistic Model of sustainable development
5. Meaning and Significance of ‘Humane’
6. The Holistic Humane Development
Course Objectives
- Understand the Concept of 'Self' in Indian Discourse: To introduce students to various designations of 'Self' in Indian knowledge systems and explore its manifestation, evolution, and relationship with consciousness, including insights from Kashmir Saiva Darsana.
- Examine Cognitive Processes and Recognition: To provide an in-depth understanding of cognitive processes, including the triad of cognition, the seven cognizers, and the practices for recognition, as well as the concept of time and space.
- Explore Development and Its Dimensions: To investigate the meaning and significance of development from both a psychological and philosophical perspective, including theories from Indian discourse, the concept of karma, and the implications for leadership and welfare.
- Analyze Holistic Humane Development: To introduce and critically assess the concept of holistic development, focusing on sustainable development, the Indian perspective of development, and the significance of humane approaches in achieving holistic growth.
Course Outcomes
1. Comprehend Indian Concept of 'Self': Students will be able to articulate the various designations of 'Self' in Indian discourse, understand its manifestation and evolution, and discuss its relationship with consciousness and key concepts from Kashmir Saiva Darsana.
2. Analyze Cognitive Processes and Recognition: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive processes, including the triad of cognition and the role of seven cognizers, and apply practices for recognition while considering the implications of time and space on cognition.
3. Evaluate Development Theories and Leadership Concepts: Students will evaluate different dimensions of development, including positive psychology and karma, and analyze the impact of these theories on leadership, the concept of dharma, and the global crisis in leadership.
4. Apply Holistic and Humane Development Principles: Students will be able to explain and apply the principles of holistic humane development, including sustainable development and the salient features of the Indian perspective on development, in various contexts for achieving comprehensive growth.
Essential Reading
- Jaideva Singh, Pratyabhijñahrdayam of Ksemaraja, Motilal Banarasidas , Varanasi, 1963.
- John Huges, Self Realization in Kashmr Saivism, Ishwar Ashram Trust, Ishber , Srinagar, 2006.
Supplementary Reading
- none, Upanisada (IsadinauUpanisad: sankarbhasyasahitam), Gita Press , Gorakhpur, Samvat 2068.
- M.N. Drivedi, Yoga Sutra of Patañjali, Sri Satagura Publications , India, 1980.
Journal and Conferences
- S. Verma, "Universal Consciousness and Spiritual Intelligence (With special reference to Kasmira Saivism)", in World Congress on Interrelationship among Arts, Culture, Humanities, Religion, Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Science and Society for Holistic Humane Development- Conference Proceedings, Krishi Sanskriti Publications, Jawarharlal Nehru University, 27th to 27th August 2016, New Delhi, Delhi, India, September 2016
- Spirituality: The Science of Self Realization, its application to transform present Engineering & Technical Education in India (In the light of Indian Philosophy ‘Kasmira Saivism’)