Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS5413 : Financial System and Development { 3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Dr. Narayan Sethi
Unit-1: Financial Market & Development
Introduction of financial System: financial system and economy, Reforms in the financial system,
Role of Indian financial system: structure of financial system, nature and role of financial system.
Financial Markets – Types of Financial Market, Development of Financial Institution and Instrument
Financial Regulation: Regulatory and Promotional Institutions- RBI, SEBI, the purpose of regulation, levels of regulations.
Banking and Non-Banking Financial Intermediaries: Statutory Financial Organization- Small saving, Provident funds, and pension funds
Unit-2: Rural Credit System
Overview of Rural Credit System: Role of Finance in Development of Rural Economy, Regulatory Mechanism, Types of Rural Credit financing, Multi-Agency Approach in Rural Credit, Rural Financial reforms, Recent Innovations in Rural Banking and Financing.
Unit-3: Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
Overview of Microfinance Institutions: MFIs financial products & Other products( MFI Savings and Savings Products, Remittances, MFI Micro insurance, Mobile Telephony – Internet and other Technology solution for Distributing MFI Products), Funding and Financing MFIs: Microfinance Investment Vehicles, Strategic Issues in MFI, Measuring Social Impact of MFI.
Unit-4: Self-Help Group (SHG)
Overview and Evolution of Self-help Groups in India: Role of SHG in development Process and Development Industry, Case Study Analysis.
Course Objectives
- The basic objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the functioning of financial market and other financial intermediaries in the emerging context of regulation and globalization of markets.
Course Outcomes
After the end of the course the student would be aware of the general functioning of Indian Financial system. Accordingly, the Indian financial system and development, rural financial system, Microfinance Institutions and Self-help Group will be covered to equip the student with tools and technical apparatus necessary to analyze modern literature on financial markets and financial institutions.
Essential Reading
- L.M. Bhole,, Financial Institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth and Innovation, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, , New Delhi, 2009
- Bharati. V. Pathak, Indian Financial System, Pearson Education in South Asia Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006, , New Delhi, 2006
Supplementary Reading
- B.M.Desai, Banking Credit for form imports Marketing Business, OXFORD IBH (1996)
- Surjeet Singh, Rural Credit Issues for Ninetees, Rawat, 1997