Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : HS5472 : Statistical Laboratory - II { 0-0-3 / 2}
Subject Nature : Practical
Coordinator : Prof. Bikash Ranjan Mishra
1. Sampling Theory: Principal steps in a sample survey methods of sampling: random-simple and stratified random sampling, types of SRS and STRS, properties of random samples nonrandom sampling, sampling vs. non-sampling errors.
2. Probability: Concepts of Sample Space and Events, Probability of an Event, Addition and Multiplication Theorems Conditional Probability and Independence of Events Bayes theorem.
3. Probability Distributions: Concept of a Random Variable, Discrete and Continuous Random Variable, Probability Density Function, Mathematical Expectation and Its Properties, Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean and Sample Variance.
4. Theoretical Distributions: Binomial distribution- its properties, Poission distribution and its properties, poission distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution, normal distributions properties, normal distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution, Central Limit Theorem.
5. Estimation: parameter and statistic, estimates and estimators, point estimators and its properties (small sample and asymptotic properties), confidence intervals for population parameters.
6. Hypothesis Testing: Defining statistical hypotheses null vs alternative hypotheses, Type I and Type II error, power of a test the concept of degrees of freedom testing hypotheses related to population parameters based on Z, t, chi-square and F-tests.
Course Objectives
- To understand the fundamentals of Inferential Statistics.
- How to apply the knowledge domain of statistics in Industry, Economics, Agriculture, Demography, Education and Psychology.
- Hands on training program to solve the statistical problems using simple computer-oriented program.
Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes:
1. Upon successful completion of the course a student will have a firm understanding of the fundamentals of Inferential Statistics.
2. He/she will be able to understand different applications of statistics in Industry,
Economics, Agriculture, Demography, Education and Psychology. Attempts have been made to demonstrate how a user can solve the problems using simple computer-oriented program.
3. Emphasis is placed not only on solving the problems in various fields but also on drawing inferences from the problems.
Essential Reading
- Goon A. M, Gupta M. K. and Dasgupta B, Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol-I World Press, Kolkata
- Gupta, S.C., Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
Supplementary Reading
- Nagar and Das, Basic Statistics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Murray R. Speigel, Theory & Problems of Statistics, Schaum’s publishing Series